Infrastructure in Africa : tremendous needs, a windfall for investors
In Africa, the lack of infrastructure is a major barrier to development. The needs are tremendous, particularly in sectors such as energy, water and information and communication technologies. Africa’s infrastructure needs for the next twenty years are estimated at about $1 trillion per year.
A report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development shows that between 2006 and 2011, Africa had the highest rate of return on foreign direct investment, at 14 %.
Various factors make Africa’s profitability prospects promising and highlight the need for European, North American, Asian and Latin American companies to invest in the continent and thus contribute to its socio-economic development.
In 2015, BANK OF AFRICA became the only bank to offer loans with an investment premium for industrialists. The Bank has set up several financing mechanisms for industrial projects for its clients, including turnkey financing for industries, the tertiary sector and renewable energy production companies wishing to acquire equipment or invest in energy efficiency and green energy investment projects. The bank’s offer includes financing and technical assistance.