by admin | Nov 19, 2021 | #11
Africa's mineral resources: a priceless treasure Africa alone possesses more than 60 different types of minerals, totalling 1/3 of the world's mineral reserves, including resources that are essential for technological development (e.g. land, water, energy, etc.).
by admin | Nov 19, 2021 | #12
Morocco, spearheading south-south cooperation Africa is now a strategic priority on the Moroccan agenda, as evidenced by the many solidarity initiatives aimed at the countries of the continent in the various fields and the visits to the...
by admin | Nov 19, 2021 | #13
Africa, a prototype for tomorrow's agriculture As a vector for sustainable and inclusive growth, agriculture is the foundation of a system that is essential to ensure nutritious, safe and accessible food for all. The sector is also a driving force behind the development of the continent's agricultural sector....
by admin | Nov 19, 2021 | #14
Africa: the world's largest industrial producer by 2050 Over the next decade, 20 million new workers will enter the African labour market each year. By 2035, Africa's working population will surpass that of India and the United States.
by admin | Nov 19, 2021 | #15
A fast-growing middle class, driving progress optimistically In the coming years, Africa's middle class will be the fastest growing*. There are already 350 million Africans in the middle class today....